Now Booking Fall Mini Sessions!

Now Available!

FALL MINI SESSIONS 2024  |  $250

Black Miners Bar, Folsom California
October 13th & October 27th
Only 3 Spots Available!

Your Session Includes:
-20 Minute Session
-10 High-Resolution Images Available via Download
-Online Gallery with the Ability to Purchase Holiday Cards, Prints, & More 
-Six Family Members Welcome to Join
-Ready in Two Weeks
-Dogs Welcome too!

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Folsom, California

Hi there!
My name is _________________________________ and I'm interested in you photographing my ___________________________ on ________________. The location will be _________________________________________ in _______________________________________. You can reach me back at ______________________________ or by email at _________________________________________________. 
I also wanted you to know:  _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

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